1.) Install Xamarin Studio
2.) Follow this YouTube Video to configure Xamarin Studio with Google Glass: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NyjB4QoX9fM
3.) In Xamarin Studio, click "Tools" -> "Open Android SDK Manager", make sure "API Level 19" is selected, then click "Install XX Packages" where XX equals the number of packages that will be installed.
4.) Update MainActivity.cs voice trigger lines to this:
[IntentFilter (new String[]{ "com.google.android.glass.action.VOICE_TRIGGER" })]
[MetaData ("com.google.android.glass.VoiceTrigger", Resource = "@xml/voicetriggerstart")]
5.) rename voicetrigger.xml under XML folder to VoiceTriggerStart.xml
6.) Modify app to your liking.
7.)Sideload the .APK to onto Glass: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYJQhebDvRE